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Hip Implant Issues Talked About by Specialists

Posted on December 24 2012

Hip Implant Issues Talked About by Specialists

An article about the dangers of metal-on-metal hip replacement surgeries was earlier published on the New York Times. The article was entitled “Remedy Is Elusive as Metallic Hips Fail at Fast Rate.” It discusses about how the surgery leaves metal debris that harms the tissues in the hip area.

Among the signs of flawed hip devices are pain on the hip area, pain on the thigh or groin area, pain while walking, pain when rising from a seated position, pain bearing weight and swelling.

According to statements from experts, those who have hip replacements may suffer from implant failure, metallosis, tissue damage, bone loss and other hip replacement problems. Particularly in the case of Johnson & Johnson, with about 93,000 recipients worldwide, the ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System were recalled after data revealed that the devices had failed prematurely in one out of eight people who have them.

Legal observers say that the DePuy hip replacement recall should be an example to other manufacturers to confirm safety of their products. The DePuy hip replacement recall should be a warning to other manufacturers to check on their medical products, legal observers advise.

Various lawsuits have been filed recently by law firms in Australia, UK and the US against DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. in behalf of clients who have undergone hip replacement surgeries. Johnson and Johnson, through its DePuy Orthopaedics subsidiary, recalled its hip implant devices from different countries.

Furthermore, as DePuy lawsuit and claims for compensation are piling up globally, the company is expected to pay attention to the hip replacement failures that are being encountered by its patients.

The DePuy hip replacement recall was such a notable move that on December 14, 2011, the New York Times reported that three U.S. senators proposed a new bill affecting medical device regulations as a response. The three senators were Charles E. Grassley (R-IA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Herb Kohl (D-WI).

According to the Times, “these lawmakers have proposed a wave of medical device industry-friendly bills that would further streamline FDA regulations, allowing more product clearances.”

“There is clearly a need for scrutiny once products are implanted or used on patients,” stated Senator Blumenthal.

This synchronized effort from a diverse group of senators demonstrates that policymakers are listening to patients, companies, and consumers about their concerns on the potential negative consequences from indulgent rules on medical device. According to legal observers, this move also demonstrates that the policymakers are acknowledging the significance of improving health care for the citizens.


  • businessweek.com/news/2011-05-03/medical-groups-tracking-hip-knee-implants-after-j-j-recall.html

  • usrecallnews.com/2010/09/depuy-hip-replacement-recalled-asr-artificial-hip-systems.html

  • nytimes.com/2010/08/27/business/27hip.html

  • tga.gov.au/newsroom/btn-dupuy-recall.htm

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Comment on this post
nice article over hip implant
nice discussion on issues by specialists,I like it